Цитата: newuser
Так нациями или народами? Меня в свое время дико прикололо на вашей ветке... что вы говорите о некоей "еврейской нации", повествуя о событиях до 1948 года
Вы это серьёзно? Если да – то вот цитаты из справочника для самых ленивых (Вы, получается, ещё ленивее их):
A nation is a group of people who share culture, ethnicity and language.
New Oxford American Dictionary (…)
A nation is not necessarily equated with country in that a country is akin to a state which is defined as the political entity within defined borders. Although "nation" is also commonly used in informal discourse as a synonym for state or country, a nation is not identical to a state. (…)
A state which identifies itself explicitly as the home of a cultural nation is a nation-state. (…)
…examples of cultural
nations without states are the Jews before the creation of the state of Israel.
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