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  Dobryаk ( Профессионал )
05 сен 2014 11:37:46

Тред №805947

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  94

Я не заметил в наших новостях (может прозевал...) упоминания этого важнейшего пункта, а вот Гардиан не прошла мимо:

Лидеры НАТО с опаской приветствовали возможность перемирия на Украине, когда Порошенко и один из лидеров ополчения согласились на объявление перемирия в пятницу.


Nato leaders cautiously welcomed an apparent breakthrough in the five-month Ukrainian conflict after the country's president, Petro Poroshenko, and one of the leading pro-Russia separatist leaders agreed to order a ceasefire on Friday. But Poroshenko, who expressed cautious optimism about the truce, caught Nato officials off-guard with the disclosure that, while Nato was not arming Ukraine, at least one country, which he did not name, was providing Kiev with high-precision weapons.

Но Порошенко застал НАТО врасплох откровением, что хотя само НАТО и не вооружает Украину, по меньшей мере одна из стран-участниц шлет в Киев высокоточное оружие.

The ceasefire, part of a seven-point peace plan proposed by the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, on Wednesday, would freeze forces in their positions at around midday on Friday.
Meanwhile, events on the ground remained volatile on Thursday, with a column of rebel armour spotted in the direction of Mariupol and reports of Ukrainian forces shelling the outskirts of Donetsk. In spite of the proposed truce, the US and the UK remain sceptical about Putin's intentions and urged more diplomatic and economic pressure, including the threat of increased sanctions. As part of that, the EU is expected to go ahead on Friday with new sanctions against Russia.
Poroshenko made the ceasefire announcement at the Nato summit in Newport where he met David Cameron with US president Barack Obama, German chancellor Angela Merkel, French president François Hollande and Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi.
At a press conference with the Nato secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Poroshenko said he hoped the ceasefire would happen, but he remained suspicious because Putin had proposed it.
Rasmussen said he had seen similar moves before by Russia that had been smokescreens, but he would welcome a serious political settlement.
Poroshenko said that provided a peace meeting in Minsk planned for Friday between Russia, Ukraine and the European security organisation the OSCE goes ahead as planned, he would call a halt to Ukrainian military attempts to regain territory held by the separatists. "I will call on the general staff to set up a bilateral ceasefire," he said.
Alexander Zakharchenko, the separatist leader, said he would order a ceasefire an hour later. The rebels are proposing the creation of "security zones" that would be policed by representatives of the OSCE and the establishment of a corridor for refugees.
Reaching a lasting peace agreement will be difficult. Ukrainian authorities are unlikely to accept any settlement that involves recognising rebel control over parts of Ukrainian territory, but are aware that Kiev's forces have suffered such losses in the past fortnight that they cannot go on fighting.
The White House expressed support for Poroshenko's "efforts to achieve a peaceful resolution to the conflict", and pinned the blame for the conflict on Putin, condemning Russia's "flagrant violation of Ukraine's sovereignty".
Nato has ruled out intervening in Ukraine with troops or equipment and pressure from the West has come mainly through sanctions.

Poroshenko caught Nato officials off-guard with the disclosure. He did not name the country involved but only a relatively small number of countries, such as the US, Poland or even Britain, have both the necessary equipment and the sympathy for the Ukrainian cause.

Хотя Порошенко не назвал прямо страну-поставщика, только небольшое число стран, таких как США, Британия и Польша, обладают как необходимым оружием, так и пылкой поддержкой борьбы Украины за ее "правое дело". Откровения Порошенко застали чиновников НАТО врасплох.

Комментарий:  И эти люди не разрешают в носу ковыряться? Неужто на это откровение Кремль не откликнется? У нас тоже кой-чего высокоточного на другую чаше весов найдется...
Отредактировано: Dobryаk - 05 сен 2014 11:49:21
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  Советчик ( Практикант )
15 сен 2014 19:53:15

Публично? Пока это ВТО не будет в руках России - будет молчать. На сообщения о поставках орудийных систем и танков из НАТО промолчал. Потому что по видео из соцсетей только Псаки говорить может.
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