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  Хроноскопист ( Слушатель )
20 мар 2009 08:32:39

Тред №95188

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ДАННАЯ ВЕРСИЯ ПО-ПРЕЖНЕМУ СЫРАЯ. ПЕРЕПЕЧАТКА И РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИЕ НЕ ВОЗМОЖНЫ. Работа продолжается. (Впервые опубликовано на стр 2 данной темы)

Уважаемый Kengel! (раз Вы, как я вижу, здесь за главного, и раз Вы зарядили меня на работу), а также, разумеется, Авантюрист и все присутствующие.
Мною собраны и обобщены отклики от нескольких американцев, прочитавших предложенный им текст U.S.Imperial Model. Назовём их «опытной группой». Те из вас, кто знаком с методикой разработки и внедрения нового изделия, знают, что за этой стадией следует стадия коррекции параметров изделия. В тексте (ниже) отмечены сделанные замечания. Пожалуйста, дайте свои предложения по корректировке (можно по-русски) и требуемые ссылки. Я внесу необходимые изменения в текст на языке и в манере целевой аудитории.
Уважаемые Господа-знатоки недавней истории, в тексте пронумерованы мета, требующие англо-яз ссылок. Пожалуйста, выкладывайте ссылки под теми же номерами. Ссылки должны доказывать или иллюстрировать соответствующее утверждение Авантюриста. Если формулировка утверждения требует уточнения в соответствии с предлагаемой Вами ссылкой, дайте свою версию утверждения (можно по-русски). Спасибо.
Kengel, по окончании работы "строительный мусор" будет из ветки устранён. Рассматривайте пока данное сообщение как строй-площадку. Да, а можно отформатировать экран так, чтобы он не растягивался вширь от выкладываемых ссылок?

Author: Adventurist

U.S. Imperial Model

Well, well, dear Americans… So, trouble is looming ahead, and you are concerned about your economic future, aren’t you? OK, let’s take a fresh look at this country in its global context so that we’d better understand what is going on here and how we can fight back. Our approach may seem a bit unusual, though we strongly believe that it is better to break a few old-fashioned stereotypes rather than to keep wandering in the dark. Here we are considering the true contributing sources of American wealth, and provide food for thought about how to preserve them.


Generally speaking, the United States as an entity has two sources of income, internal and external. Internal income is a result of the creation of physical and mental products inside the country. External income is the wealth created outside the country and brought in the USA. Internal income used to be the core of American wealth creation. Not any more. So, what is the primary source of American wealth today?

Some people refer to the USA as 'an empire'. Are they right? In some obvious respects they are, for the USA possesses absolute military and ideological hegemony on the globe. But the term 'empire' implies something different. Military power and ideological domination are simply tools employed by an empire to achieve its imperial goal, though by no means could those be considered the true imperial goal. The true goal pursued by any empire regardless of its geographical location or the epoch of its existence is always one and only – to impose tax on other countries and peoples. We are talking here about the requirement to pay a percentage of a subjugated country's income and a host of numerous tributes and levies, fixed or variable, to the empire. First, let's review various models of colonial taxation that existed in the past to better understand America's role in all that, and why the future may be different from the present. The past often helps better understand a possible future.

1. Ancient empires: Military Conquest – Plundering, Triubute, and Slave Trade.

Since ancient times empires used military conquest as the easiest way to impose tax on other countries. Every military victory was immediately followed by pillage in which the conqueror appropriated a significant portion of the treasure previously accumulated by the conquered nation. Simply put, the conquered country was robbed of everything valuable. Then, a direct triubute was placed on the subjugated people. At the same time, a portion of the population was turned into slaves. Later, these slaves were used by the conqueror as free labor, or sold as commodity. All the empires of the past adhered to this simple pattern including the following well-known examples: Sumerian, Babylonian, Syrian, Egyptian, Persian, Macedonian, Roman, several Chinese empires, Manchurian, Hun, Mongolian, Maya, Karl the Great's and others. Some empires ended up by assimilating the conquered nations, some others – by exterminating the conquered nations. Some tried to civilize 'the barbarians', others established an administrative system in their 'new provinces', the remainder stayed away from the internal affairs of their possessions to just receive tribute – they did not even bother to keep permanent garrisons there. The major point remaind the same in all cases though: the loser paid for everything, even for the keep of the conqueror's occupying forces. The method of military conquest was universally accepted by the empires as long as agriculture remained the staple of world's economy and the productivity of labor was low and more or less the same all over the world.

2. Empires of the Enlightenment: Colonial Taxation.

The end of the Middle Ages brought forth many changes in Europe. Factories manufactured various goods, shipyards built vessels for mercantile fleets and powerful navies, large trading companies established business relationships with faraway lands. This all allowed to replace the model of risky and costly military conquest with less conflictive and more profitable colonial taxation. The essence of colonial taxation is the free exchange of inexpensive mass-manufactured 'products of civilazation' for much more valuable natural products. This way trinkets (such as glass beads and mirrors) were exchanged for gold, precious spices, rare furs, etc, at an incredible profit for European merchants. In North America, India or Africa a steel knife worth 10 pence could buy an armful of fur worth 10 guineas. A brilliant scheme!

Aboriginal population quickly realized the humanitarian benefits of colonial taxation over military conquest. First, aborigines were not killed too often by Europeans any more, and second, now they were even given something valuable in exchenge for their traditional goods. Those were wonderful glittery little things of 'equal value'. As a result, the population of the previously conquered countries began fighting for their 'freedom' to join the new trade-based empires. Within practically a few decades the old conquest-based empires of Spain and Portugal were squeezed out of their many possessions, and more 'progressive' and 'humane' empires were established, among those were Britain, France, Holland, and Russia.

However, the number of those wishing to acquire new colonies far surpassed the number of colonies available. The lust of the existing empires for expansion was continuously growing, but the number of the colonies in the world remained the same. Moreover, some colonies began claiming independence – and they could substantiate their claim with adequate military might. Some of the former colonies even claimed imperial status for themselves, the USA being a prime example. Along with the status, the USA claimed a colonial realm of their own. Thus the USA first appeared in the global empire league in the 19th century by successfully taking over the former Spanish and Portugues colonies in Latin America and South Pacific. Naturally, at that time the USA followed the most popular imperial model of the day – colonial taxation.

The lack of taxable colonial territories in the world caused continuous tensions between the empires. In the beginning of the 20th century, these tensions culminated in WWI. The war reduced the intensity of the problem for some while because the winners (Britain, France, USA) split the colonies of the losers (Germany, Austo-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Russia) among themselves. However, this could not resolve the problem completely. Moreoved, due to the high rate of industrial production and development, shortly after WWI the world experienced a devastating crisis of overproduction known as the Great Depression of 1929-1940. As soon as in the end of 1930s, the countries that had lost in WWI (Germany, Japan, Italy, Russia) recovered from their defeat and made a new claim for the previously lost status and colonies. A new clash among the old, new, and revived colonial powers led to WWII.

3. American Empire: Financial Taxation.

The end of the WWII created a unique situation in the world. All the countries including the former empires were now under control or at least domination of the only two superpowers, USA and USSR. Furthermore, since the beginning of the WWII industrial production in the USA was growing exponentially. The European technologies and professionals received by the USA after WWII fueled American growth even further. The USA possessed unsurpassed capabilities to manufacture both commodities and means of their transportation (such as boats, airplanes, trucks and railroad equipment). The U.S. global market comprised more than half of the world. This outstanding combination of American manufacturing and distribution capabilities coupled with America's overwhelming political control ensured the collection of unprecedented colonial taxes by the USA for several decades.

At that moment, shrewd Americans made an important intellectual breakthrough. (Americans used to be smart, didn't they?) In its efficiency the American economic discovery far exceeds all the methods previously used by the British colonialists, Dutch merchants, and Jewish bankers. The Americans asked themselves a simple question: Why do we need to compete for colonial taxes with our newly acquired dominions (Britain, Germany, Japan, etc) when we can impose taxation on the entire global trade? The entire trade! It was an ingenious idea. So, soon after WWII colonial taxation in the world was replaced by financial taxation.

Originally, the essence of financial taxation was in the use of the U.S. dollar as a legal tender in the trade between the USA and all other countries, as well as among other countries. Therefore, all U.S. colonies and dominions were supposed to have a reserve of dollars sufficient to cover their trade needs. As more and more countries got into dollar-based trade, the USA emitted a necessary amount of dollars to match new demands. Similarly, the higher the volume of trade was getting, the more dollars the USA was printing. The dollars issued for this trade comprised financial tax collected by the USA. (Sounds incredible? To make a piece of paper money on a printing press is almost free!) Understandably, in exchange for paper money the USA received physical goods (such as oil, metals, machines, etc) from abroad. In order to maintain international demand for dollars permanent, the USA skillfully manipulated its currency. The primary tool was to inflate the dollar so that previously emitted dollars would lose a part of their value in the hands of their current foreign holders.

All in all, the use of a single currency in international trade was convenient for all participants. Event the constand devaluation of the dollar due to inflation was chiefly disregarded because dollar mass was primarily in continuous circulation among merchants servicing their trading needs. Therefore losses due to dollar inflation were generally carried by foreign end-users. Well, if some foreign government did not like this system, the USA has always had a choice to replace such government with a better one… (Это утверждение вызывает бурное отторжение американских читателей. События в Чили приписываются исключительно инициативе чилийской армии и Пиночету. События в Ираке оправдывабтся необходимостью устранить возможность угрозы со стороны диктатора и внедрить демократию, как пример для всего Востока. Необходимо привести ссылки на доказанные случаи смены американцами иностранных правительств конкретно по экономическим основаниям – дайте линки на американские источники). [ссылки 1]

[1] (предлагайте)

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Отредактировано: Хроноскопист - 22 мар 2009 09:06:03
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