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4. American Empire: Debt Taxation.
However, in 1970s the global trade capacity for the use of the dollar was exhausted even in spite of the dollar's significant devaluation. The global crises of 1970s and 1980s occurred. The USA did not cut its budgetary expenses though, nor did it reduce its internal consumption. The USA chose another path. Direct taxation in the manner of ancient empires was imposed on American colonies. Though this time the military tax was in the form of non-returnable govenrnment borrowings primarily as payment for protection against 'the Evil Empire' (USSR). (Это утверждение вызывает бурное отторжение американских читателей. Нужны официальные ссылки, показывающие, что американское правительство насильно заставляло иностранные правительства давать в ему длог под предлогом защиты от СССР. Американские читатели убеждены, что всё обстоит наоборот, что это именно США платит другим государствам за аренду военных баз и размещение объектов у них на территории, напр., в Польше и Чехии, а также в Германии и Юж Корее. Американские читатели знают, что, вроде бы, Япония частично покрывает стоимость содержания американских военных в Японии, но уверены, что не полностью. Линки, пожалуйста). [ссылки 2]Most U.S. colonies agreed to pay in order to avoid even worse alternatives (such as a U.S. military intervention, or a coup d'etat, or a U.S. economic blocade). Besides, they indeed were afraid of meeting with the Russian Bear one on one. Therefore, during only 7 years between 1981 and 1988, the USA increased its national debt by 75% from $12T to $21T (even though not all of this amount belonged to foreign states or financial institutions). (Последнее примечание очень ослабляет приведённые цифры. В Америке нередко родители должны деньги своим детям, и мужья – своим жёнам. Поэтому, если одни американцы должны другим американцам, то это как бы «ничего». Американские читатели считают, что раз уж речь идёт о привлечении данег из-за рубежа, то об этом и надо говорить. Здесь надо либо дать некое обоснование приведённым цифрам, либо отдельно дать цифру по внешней задолженности в названный период времени. Линки, пожалуйста). [ссылки 3]If nothing had changed, then in the next 10 to12 years USA would have exhausted the resources of all the countries controlled by them. (Линки, пожалуйста).[ссылки 4]
Fate treated the USA favorably (as it has always done before!), and spontaneous collapse of the Soviet empire began. Commencing the end of 1980s, the dollar zone received a whole bunch of new members (Eastern European countries, Latin America, Africa, China, ex-USSR, and Russia itself). For a short while the USA slowed down the program of debt taxation. (Within a 9-year period between 1988 and 1997, the USA increased its debt by 'only' 30% from $21T to $27.5T). (Это всё внешний долг? Если нет, каков внешний долг? Линки, пожалуйста). [ссылки 5]Now the USA could safely return to financial taxation. 'Auld good' financial taxation was imposed on the entire 'American Commonwealth' which now included practically all humanity. However, the capacity of the former Soviet bloc for the dollar was very limited, and the financial crisis of 1997 hit the markets.
Well, the USA got lucky once again (it used to be a lucky country, didn't it?). Almost all developing nations (including China, Russia, South Korea, Brazil, Argentina, etc) got extremely troubled by the recent financial catastrophy, so they hastily began to send their money to the USA in various forms. In order to avert the risk of a new financial disaster, a good half of humanity reduced its consumption down to a bare minimum, and began to meticulously pile up U.S. bank notes and Treasury Bonds. Thanks to that, the USA escaped a risk of collapse of its global taxation system. (Линки, пожалуйста). [ссылки 6] Moreover, within a 7-year period between 1998 and 2005, the USA managed to increase its debt by 55% from $27.5T to $43T. (Это всё внешний долг? Если нет, каков внешний долг? Линки, пожалуйста). [ссылки 7] It was the mechanism of American global debt taxation that did the job. Soon afterwards, a recovery of the developing economies from the ctisis of 1997 followed. The needed of international cash by the recovering nations gave a new boost to the mechanism of American global financial taxation. As a result, the USA almost doubled global dollar mass from $5T to $9.5T. (Это всё внешний долг? Если нет, каков внешний долг? Линки, пожалуйста). [ссылки 8] In the beginning of 2007, the U.S. national debt equaled $50T, while U.S. dollar mass exceeded $11T. (Это всё внешний долг? Если нет, каков внешний долг? Линки, пожалуйста). [ссылки 9] It was a success. Such a huge amount of external tax has not been collected by any other empire in history, ever.
5. American Empire: Contemporary External Taxation.
Now, let's consider the current situation.
Apart from the aforementioned financial taxation and debt taxation, the USA employs 'traditional' mechanisms of external taxation. Above all, colonial taxation is widely used. Of course, merchandise supplied by the USA to contemporary 'aborigines' is very different from glass beads. The USA specializes in selling knowledge-based products and services, high-tech, intellectual property, technologies, etc. However, here problems begin. U.S. colonial taxation is on sharp decline because numerous U.S. dominions (Europe, Japan, South Korea, etc) are quickly taking over colonial trade which used to be America's prerogative.
The next important external tax is resource tax, i.e. concessions granted by colonial governments to U.S. corporations at a symbolic price. U.S. corporations mine minerals, metals, oil, and various other resources all over the world. In the 20th century many wars were fought and coups organized by the USA in response to refusal by local governments to pay this tax. (Нужны общепризнанные примеры. Линки, пожалуйста). [ссылки 10] And here we see another problem for the USA. The collection of this tax is gradually falling.
Military tax was very important during the Cold War era. U.S. colonies used to pay for the maintenance of U.S. military infrastructure in their territory, and sometimes they even paid for construction. (Линки, пожалуйста). [ссылки 11] Besides, colonies used to purchase American surplus armaments for protection from the Soviet threat. Currently, only Taiwan, and to some extent Japan and South Korea along with the new U.S. colonies in Eastern Europe keep paying this tax. (Линки, пожалуйста). [ссылки 12]
Intellectual tax is another very important tax imposed by the USA. The USA has adopted a policy of importing valuable scientists and engineers from the colonies. Also, U.S. corporations purchase and utilize innovations and technologies developed in the colonies at a reduced cost. (Это утверждение вызывает бурное отторжение американских читателей. Они считаеют, что это именно США является движителем технического прогресса, разрабатывают технологии и продают лицензии и права на патенты всему миру. Линки, пожалуйста).[ссылки 13] This all helps maintain and advance U.S. knowledge-based industry which is the primary source of colonial taxation. Futhermore, 'brain drain' weakens the intellectual potential of the colonies. As long as the USA remains a country attractive for living, the collection of intellectual tax is safe. There is danger of losing this important American advantage and therefore this tax.
Labor tax is of somewhat similar nature. The source of labor tax is extremly cheap labor employed in various poor countries. The actual products are manufactured in these poor countries at a very low cost, and then they are sold in the USA so that most profits are made and appropriated in the USA. Labor regulations by foreign governments (especially in China and India) may damage the collection of this tax.
Credit tax is of financial nature like debt tax. Various U.S. organizations credit colonies with dollars and earn interest. The interest collected by the USA exceeds the interest paid by the USA thus creating a positive cash flow. Some international investment schemes may be classified as this tax, too. The problem for the USA is in global financial competition and current lack of creditworthy recipients.
Now we understand how America managed to make it so far. It is clear that if America wants to stay strong and wealthy, America's external sources of income should be preserved. Like in olden times, U.S. imperial system needs protection and improvement by all means possible.
References (предлагайте)
Замечаниями и рекоммендациями литературного характера я пренебрёг полностью. (Возможно, учту в следующий раз). Замечания языкового характера все учтены, и ошибки исправлены (вроде бы). Для американского глаза данный текст выглядит натурально.
Заранее благодарю за помошь в устранении замечаний.
Русский оригинал, на основе которого составлялся данный текст, называется Авантюрист, "Имперская модель Соединенных Штатов".
Переводчик: Хроноскопист
Отредактировано: Хроноскопист - 22 мар 2009 09:17:55