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  CodeGrinder ( Слушатель )
05 окт 2009 14:28:38

Тред №152352

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  93

The shroud design (Fig. 5) was the work of the Structures and Mechanics Division of the Manned Spacecraft Center. It consisted of a stainless steel outer case separated from an aluminum layer by Thermoflex insulation. Several layers of thermal blanketing material were placed between the shroud and the flag assembly, limiting the temperature experienced by the flag to 180 degrees Farenheit . (footnote 12)

Он был из нержавеющей стали, алюминия и какого-то термоупорного материала, слоями.
Отредактировано: CodeGrinder - 20 авг 2014 12:46:34
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