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  Maeglin ( Слушатель )
03 мар 2010 12:31:07

Тред №194721

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В Блумберге вчера прошло

Типа, внешние долги платить будем, а на внутренние денег нема. Некая Акимова.

Ukraine Risks Technical Default on Domestic Debt, Unian Says
2010-03-02 12:52:40.136 GMT

By Halia Pavliva
    March 2 (Bloomberg) -- Ukraine faces the risk of a technical default on its domestic debt, Unian news agency reported, citing a television interview given by President Viktor Yanukovych’s deputy chief of staff Irina Akimova. Ukraine will service its foreign debt, Akimova told ICTV television, accoring to Unian. The Treasury has 2.5 billion hryvnia, though is due to pay back ten times more, she said, according to Unian.
“This means the situation is close to a technical default -- this doesn’t mean default is imminent, this means very big risks,” Akimova said, the news agency reported.
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