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Crisis continues at Fukushima nuclear plant as fuel rods exposed again
TOKYO, March 15, Kyodo
A crisis continued Tuesday at the troubled No. 2 reactor at the quake-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, as fuel rods became fully exposed again after workers recovered water levels to cover half of them in a bid to prevent overheating.
На блоке-2 ТВС снова полностью огололилсьThe plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., said a steam vent of the pressure container of the reactor that houses the rods was closed for some reason, raising fears that its core will melt at a faster pace. It said it will try to open the vent to resume the operation to inject seawater to cool down the reactor.
лапан сброса давления внутри колпака по непонятным причинам заклинило.Despite its earlier attempt to do so, however, water levels sharply fell and the fuel rods were fully exposed for about 140 minutes in the evening as a fire pump to pour cooling seawater into the reactor ran out of fuel and it took time for workers to release steam from the reactor to lower its pressure, the government's nuclear safety agency said.
Несмотря на поытки клапан открыть, ТВЩС оставались голыми 140 минут, прежде чем идалось начать закачивать воду.Water levels in the No. 2 reactor later went up to cover more than half of the rods that measure about 4 meters at one point. TEPCO began pouring coolant water into the reactor after the cooling functions failed earlier in the day.
Удалось покрыть стержни водой по пояс.Prior to the second full exposure of the rods around 11 p.m., radiation was detected at 9:37 p.m. at a level twice the maximum seen so far -- 3,130 micro sievert per hour, according to TEPCO.
В 9.37 вечера (токийского) уровень радиации достиг нового рекорда в 3,130 micro sievert в час.To ease concerns, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said he believes the problem at the plant ''will not develop into a situation similar to the (1986 accident at the atomic power reactor in) Chernobyl'' in the Soviet Union, even in the worst case.
Юкио Элано успокаивал публику, что второго Чернобыля не будет.Officials of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency also said the worst case scenario will be less destructive than the Chernobyl incident, as TEPCO has depressurized the reactors by releasing radioactive steam.
Представители Службы Ядерного Контроля тоже повторили, что и в самом худшем случае маштабы бедствия будут ниже чернобыльских. The utility said a hydrogen explosion at the nearby No. 3 reactor that occurred Monday morning may have caused a glitch in the cooling system of the No. 2 reactor.
Similar cooling down efforts have been made at the plant's No. 1 and No. 3 reactors and explosions occurred at both reactors in the process, blowing away the roofs and walls of the buildings that house the reactors.
Edano denied the possibility that the No. 2 reactor will follow the same path, as the blast at the No. 3 reactor opened a hole in the wall of the building that houses the No. 2 reactor. Hydrogen will be released from the hole, he said.
лано сказл, что благодаря пробитой стене водород из бассейна выдержки будет спкойно рассеиваться и взрывов больше не будет.The blast earlier in the day injured 11 people but the reactor's containment vessel was not damaged, with the government dismissing the possibility of a large amount of radioactive material being dispersed, as radiation levels did not jump after the explosion.
оскольку колпаки над реакторами целы, то маcштабного рассеяния радиоакривности не будет.
Отредактировано: Dobryаk - 15 мар 2011 в 21:01
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