Трамп и ядерные шифры: как начать ядерную атаку?Нет никакой ядерной кнопки. Трамп, ставши президентом, обзавелся портфелем для связи и ядерными шифрами, позволяющими ему отдать команду на ядерную аткау
Trump and the Nuclear Codes: How To Launch a Nuclear Weapon
David Wright, co-director and senior scientist | January 17, 2017, 11:13 am EST
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There has been a lot of talk about the fact that after his inauguration, Donald Trump will have his finger on the “button” used to launch nuclear weapons. But the president does not actually have a “button.”
Instead when he becomes president he will be given nuclear codes that enable him to launch a nuclear strike.
What does that actually mean?
The Nuclear Football: Speed Matters
Запуск ядерной атаки включает в себя: донесение президенту о грядущей русской атаке с деталями "зачем и почему", принятие президентом решения и пуск носителей с ядерным оружием --- и надо уложиться в 30 минут, пока русские Америку не успели накрыть. На раздумья президенту отпущено не более 10 минут.
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The US nuclear launch system is built for speed: it is designed to allow the president to be notified of warning of an incoming attack, be briefed on the specifics, decide what to do, and launch the response, all in less than the 30 minute flight time of an attacking long-range missile.
demanding timeline was established during the Cold War to allow US land-based missiles to be launched on warning of an attack, before the attacking missiles could land and destroy them in their silos. It persists today despite the fact that most US nuclear weapons are deployed on submarines at sea, which are invulnerable to such an attack; quick launch of land-based missiles is therefore no longer needed for deterrence.
Так смотрится ядерный портфель (его жаргонное название Football) весом 18 фунтов. Таскающий его офицер непрерывно сопровождает президента
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short timeline means in practice the president may have less than a minute to be briefed by military officers and his advisors, and have fewer than 10 minutes to decide whether to order a launch.
Warning of attack could come when the president is essentially anywhere, with no time to get to the White House situation room or the Pentagon.
The only way to make this system work is to ensure everything the president needs to order a launch is never far from his side. So he is constantly escorted by a military officer carrying a
45-pound “nuclear briefcase”—typically called the “
В портфеле система безопасной связи и Черная Книга с опциями удара. Президент может решить вдарить по России даже без намеков на российскую атаку.
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The football contains, among other things, a secure communications system and the “black book” that lists the menu of preset launch options the Pentagon has drawn up.
The Nuclear Codes: Who’s Who
The president could also, in principle, use the football to order a nuclear strike that was not in response to an attack.
No matter why he ordered a launch, the president needs a way to convince those in the military who actually carry out the launch order that he really is the president and not, for example, a Russian hacker.
Шифровки, которые шлет президент, не запускают саму атаку. Они просто говорят, что приказ отдан именно президентом. Сама шифровка --- буквенный текст на карте , именуемой бисквит в 3х5 дюймов (?), которую обновляют на каждый грядущий день. Она может лежать в Футболе, некоторые президенты предпочитают таскать их в кармане. Как только президент передал подобающий код, никто не вправе отменить атаку.
Как только послание президента получено по спецсвязи офицером
National Military Command Center, тот рассылает свои шифровки-приказы --- Emergency Action Messages --- дежурным офицерам пусковых установок, которым предписывается, куда и чем пулять.
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That’s where the “nuclear codes” come in. They aren’t codes to actually launch missiles, but to allow the president to prove he is authorized to order a launch.
The codes are a list of letters on essentially a 3×5 card, called the “
biscuit,” which are updated daily. To prove he is the president, he must be able to provide the right code from the list on the card. The card may be carried in the football, although some presidents have chosen to carry it with them.
Once the president has provided the proper codes for the day, no one has the authority to stop the launch process.
The Nuclear Launch OrderOnce the president has provided the correct identification codes and his launch option over a secure communication line, officers in the Pentagon’s “war room,” or
National Military Command Center (NMCC), send out encrypted messages, called the Emergency Action Messages (EAMs).
Missile launch officers (Source: Dept. of Defense)
В этих приказах приходит шифровка, которая для пуска должна совпасть с шифровкой у офицера на пусковой установке. Сам пуск занимает 60 секунд у твердотопливных МБР и 12 минут на ударных АПЛ, если они в пределах досягаемости своих мишеней.
Взлет бомбардировщиков и залп заплутавших АПЛ займут гораздо дольше времени.
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They also contain launch authorization codes that allow the launch crews to confirm that the order is real by comparing it to codes they have in their safes. These are called “
sealed-authentication system” (SAS) codes.
Once the EAM arrives, ICBM crews can launch their missiles in
60 seconds and submarine crews can launch in 12 minutes. In that time, the US could launch some or all of the roughly 900 nuclear weapons it keeps ready for immediate launch. The remaining deployed weapons in the US arsenal would take longer to launch. These include aircraft carrying bombs and cruise missiles, and missiles on submarines at sea but out of range of their targets.
Отредактировано: Dobryаk - 01 фев 2017 в 08:37
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